domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007


I've been wanting to write about music for a while is it possible for simple vibrations captured by our ear to generate such a strong effect on us, at least on me. As long as i can, i take it everywhere, it's a way to connect to my world, to aisalate myself from others, to think. You can feel so comfortable thinking that no one can bother you at that moment... Music in some way, makes our emotions stronger, and i find it incredible...

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

I'll Attack

I won’t suffer, be broken
Get tired, or wasted
Surrender to nothing
I'll give up what I
And stop this
From end to beginning
A new day is coming
And I am finally free

It's the start of the lyrics of a song that i just simply love, of course it has many interpretacions, i'll let each individual personality make it's opinion

martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Just...don't know...

Hey...finally...lately i've been having a bad "racha", encara que sigui molt dolent escriure en qualsevol tinc ni temps ni ganes de pensar molt. Es curiós com a vegades sents que tot et ve de cop...que a vegades penses en que has pogut fer la vida simplement és cap a dalt...y després 2m baix de la terra, fins y tot desitjant que sigui més profund, perque a vegades es bó desapareixer..pero poder torbar-se amb un mateix..per podr saber que s'esta fent malament...a vegades per comprovar que només ets un petit univers dintre de tot aquest caos que nosaltres li diem món, i reconeixer que si tú no ets ahi, aquest gran univers ja no és el mateix oi? És com si fossin el tot i a la vegada res..hace mucho que no escribo asi...ultimamente simplmente he estado, away...observing all that is around me[algunes coses més que altres]. I love walking to school with my music, i'm walking, but isolated from the rest, it's a place where i can think on how i'm going to act, what am i going to's a new's a new season, it's just...another part of my life where i hope...truly...not to dissapear a fast as i just appeared[as for some good news, that doesn't seem to be going to happen any time soon], for this city...this country...has given me a new oportunity...a chance to start over, but a little older, my teenage life is here...Badalona, Barcelona, Catalunya...i no dic més perque no he vivit en ningun lloc més aqui a Europa, i Espanya...he tingut el privilegi de coneixer a Espanyols de debó, i no s'assembla res a BDN, i es que aquest lloc és mes diversificat que molta gent té la motivació de intentar explorar els seus límits. Now, i'm back, inserted into myself..for every happy face is either a smile behind a face...or sometimes, just a flash of just me molesto en revisarlo porque no tengo mucho tiempo, asi que me despido.See ya ;P