domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

A feeling..

You've came in so fast....
you've came in in such a way...
you know things that i've never thought i'd tell...
you know things that i thought i'd send to my grave...
i've never thought i'd meet someone like you...
i'd never thought that i had in in common so many things... most of them so stupid... but so meaningful...
And... i'm making all of this up as i write... and i think it's nice...
all i know, it's with feeling...

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

...It's not gonna be the same...

It's not gonna be the same... under all of this chaos... the storm has finally calmed... unfortunatly not in my favor, but, it's something that I've wanted right? I wanted to split... i wanted out, and i got it... i've had my week of fun... and now it's over... he was right... and he's also blind if he thinks i have something against him... he's blind if he thinks that i thought that he was my threat... how blind... how sincerely blind... i shot high... too high infact, and i missed.
It doesn't matter... (8) In the end, it doesn't even matter(8) ... all i know, that this time, i've split... this time the fragmentacion is too much... this time the fight was too hard, this time it's all over... like in my last blog, i'm ready for change, and if the one's around me aren't ready, the only thing left to do is go my own way...
...I repeat, nothing's gonna be the same...

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2008


It's quite simple, i'm tired of it... everything... I'm ready for change... If none of you aren't... then maybe this is as far as we go... Those days will be missed... but i'm about to let myself be dragged down as well... i'm tired of it, all these rivalries... it was fun at first... but now? We're hurting something important to us, i correct myself, YOU'RE hurting something so important to yourself, you're hurting yourself so much in so many ways... I'm ready for change, I admit that i have no power whatsoever... and i have been so extremely selfish... but now i can see... and i'm ready for change...

domingo, 27 de enero de 2008


Si estires el teu braç dret què arribes a tocar? La paret(m'em fa sentir com encerrat[barbarisme? T.T]

Què ha estat l'ultim que has mirat per la televisió? mmm...ver un poco la peli de Manhatan[creo k se ecribe asi] con mis padres. [esa que sale la jennifer lopez]. Unos 5 minutos, no veo mucho la tele.

Sense mirar, quina hora és? Eleven ten

Ara mira, quina hora és? 6 minutes past eleven

Deixant a un costat l'ordinador, què escoltes? todo, pero creo que se puede concretar un poco: pop, baladas, rock alternativo y tecno. 30 seconds to mars, breaking benjamin, Three doors down, BSB...

Quant de temps vas estar fora el día que vas estar més temps al carrer? Depende, sin irme a dormir a casa de nadie, desde las 10 de la mañana hasta las 10 de la noche creo... Durmiendo? unos 2 o tres dias.

Abans d'estar escrivint al blog, que estavas fent? Jugant a un RPG online.

Què portes posat ara mateix? a sweater, jeans, sneakers[i just came back from a friends house...]

Quant de temps vas riure l'ultima vegada que vas riure? Quan vaig parlar per telèfon amb un amic fa una hora o així, van ser un parell de petits riures en un petit marc de temps.

Vas somiar ahir? Si, un somni molt estrany...feia una cosa que mai pensava que ho faria.

Què hi ha a les parets de l'habitació on estàs? un parell de posters que no m'agraden gens ni mica...

Quina és la última pel•lícula que has vist? Si no recordo malament, aquesta pel.lícula on l'home sap que pensen les dones, em va agradar molt, la vaig trobar còmica, original, i...

Si et fessis multimilionari de la nit al dia..què compraries? dam... no hi ha gaire cosa material que em doni molta satisfacció, crec que trobaria la forma de tenir un flux continu de diners a partir d'aquests, intentar ajudar al altres, i comprar-me un GTO twinturbo(cotxe de l'infància).

Alguna cosa sobre tu? indesiso.

Si poguessis fer alguna cosa al món, independentment de la política, què faries?
I don't know where to start, many things, too many things, one thing? Change humanity's way of thinking.

T’agrada ballar? M'encanta... però... mai davant de ningú

Què en penses d’en George Bush? ...[es posa seriòs de cop] algú així va arribar a ser el líder de l'unica superpotència existent?[però que ha de tenir cura amb Europa, una potència en desenvolupament] I fer alguna cosa així als nasos de tot el món? !!!...No afegiré comentaris.

Imagina que, per reacció espontània, tens una nena; quin nom li posaries?
Rubí, Andrea,

I un nen?

Tagradaria viure a l'estranyer?
Ho he estat fent tota la meva vida. M'agradaria trobar un lloc on puc dir, aquest és casa meva. Després si, explorar el món...saber com viuen...ajudar si puc...gaudir si puc...

Què t’agradaria que et digués Déu quan arribis al cel?
Ho as fet bé...

Nomina a 5 persones: Nardor, GunBlade, i no conec a ningú més que faria l'esforç de contestar.

domingo, 20 de enero de 2008


Encara cerco... que cosa? no estic del tot segur... alguna cosa que em motivi... alguna cosa que em faci despertar...

viernes, 18 de enero de 2008

...Missing you...

It surprised me...

I miss that first felt so fullfilling, and i know you felt the same...
I miss the way we would simply understand eachother, no words needed, complementary...
I need to tell you my thoughts, i need you to understand me...
I miss our infinite hours....they were never enough...
I miss our walks to nowhere...
I miss you...your friendship is so dear to me...i needed you at that time...i need you now...
And even though you're so far away...even though i can't contact you in any way...
...a place in my heart will always be reserved to you...
You...that comprehended me so well...we comprehended mirror...
I were here by my side, cleaning my tears...
Help me dear friend...i feel so alone...

Somewhere i belong...

Somewhere I Belong lyrics

(When this began)
I had nothing to say
And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
(I was confused)
And I let it all out to find
That I’m not the only person with these things in mind
(Inside of me)
But all the vacancy the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel
(Nothing to lose)
Just stuck/ hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long
(Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

And I’ve got nothing to say
I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down on my face
(I was confused)
Looking everywhere only to find
That it’s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
(So what am I)
What do I have but negativity
’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me
(Nothing to lose)
Nothing to gain/ hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

[Repeat Chorus]

I will never know myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything till I break away from me
I will break away, I'll find myself today

[Repeat Chorus]

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
Somewhere I belong

Nothing else to say other than what it says...more or less...

P.D. I might edit this later on, i'm extremely tired and sleepy...and dizzy too...

Just got back

Just got back, it was nice, there was a lot of laughter, and in the end it was nice, it gave me a good time to think...

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008

A few more days

Hey, i didn't really want to write during the holidays 'cause it would be way to ordinary to write about the same's kinda strange, but that's just me...^^

Only a few more days, i'm looking forward to exploring a new world, it's close, but it's something i know nothing about except a small part of it's airport... What i'm really looking forward to is taking a midnight stroll, feel the cold air burning your skin, look around to find that everything is new, and do something that i have always liked...walk, reflexionize...
I'm looking forward to going to sleep with 20 people nearer than 12 feet from me...xD...
It's been an exciting two years, and even if it's only a few days and about half the grade is coming, doesn't matter, it's a new way of relating with others in different situations.