martes, 29 de mayo de 2007


Well...lately a lot of things have been happening to me...i've thought in so many different head was litterally about to blow...i've thought about just throwing everything to while walking...i had the priveledge to see a class of little kids walking by the hand...they all looked so pure...i couldn't help but smiling...and just simply laughing...even if it was just for a made my think about all their think that anyone of those beings can become something great one day.i even had a chance to see how a small couple was was so cute(sorry i can't find another adjective...u.u), so much innocence, to see how they looked at eachother shyly...even after all that has been going on...i had a chance to just relax...even if it was just for a forget about it all...

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

Helping others

Lately..i have been talked to by many close people to me..each of them telling me their worries, i always take my best interest in helping others...i always try to put myself in their place, try to feel how they are feeling, but, no matter how hard i tried to make them feel try to give them words of comfort like they have given me in their day... i just couldn't...on the contrary, i made them feel worse...they fell even further...i tried to be just a shoulder...but even then...a simple conversation with one of the people dearest to me...ended up in that person crying...and i just layed their...hearing...

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007

Sócrates insatisfecho

En clase de filosofía, (muchos de mis blogs serán inspirados de aquí u.u') hubo un debate sobre ser un puerco satisfecho o un sócrates insatisfecho. Después de pensarlo un rato y escuchar las diferentes opiniones de mis compañeros, todas argumentadas de manera excepcional..llegué a una conclusión, si eres un puerco satisfecho, serás feliz con lo que tienes(que no tiene porque ser poco), pero, ahí te quedará harás nada por nadie ni te preocuparás de nada...(o te preocuparás de escojer cerveza de importación o nacional..)vivirá por el y nadie mas que por el. En cambio, le debemos nuestros avances tecnológicos, el hecho de que yo ahora mismo pueda escribir este blog para un par de lectores...a varios "sócrates insatisfechos"...le debemos las curas de la mayoría de las enfermedades a muchos "sócrates insatisfechos" que querían superarse, que creían y creen en un mundo mejor..

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2007

A superpower

many people would like the power to fly, to have superstrenght, to be able to transport anywhere in the blink of an eye..but.the power i would most desire in my life is to be able to know what to say in any moment... even if you are able to read minds, you still have to decide on what to be able to say... in order to truly help someone, to truly persuade someone, to truly get into someone's soul...the right words are required..