miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2007

A superpower

many people would like the power to fly, to have superstrenght, to be able to transport anywhere in the blink of an eye..but.the power i would most desire in my life is to be able to know what to say in any moment... even if you are able to read minds, you still have to decide on what to be able to say... in order to truly help someone, to truly persuade someone, to truly get into someone's soul...the right words are required..

3 comentarios:

мαятα dijo...

There's always something to do, something to say... you just must find out this words and I think that in a way you've found them.

Welcome to this enormous family of bloggers!(:

See ya boy,, m.u!

Unknown dijo...

mmmmm... Porque escrivis en ingles? yo no mentero. Aunque google hace milagros xD. Bueno Henry por lo que e podido entender me a gustado muxo. A ti tambien se te da bien escribir y recuerda lo importante no es la cantidad sino la calidad.

Enga nos vemos;)

GunBlade dijo...

i would only say that there re some people who don't care about having superpowers. i think the most important thing to do is growing your human powers and not thinking about supernatural ones but it's only my opinion ^^

hope u visit my own blog
